The Beginning… Or is it?

This is not really the beginning. Chronological order doesn’t add meaning to anything here. What means something here is truth. The real beginning was when I was three years old and dictating a story about a family of mice to my mother, who diligently wrote my little girl words into a little girl book of folded construction paper. Later that day, I illustrated it. That was the moment; I remember it with crystalline detail. I can still see those pages in my minds eye, and that is the day that started my life as a writer. Happy? Write about it. Sad? Write about it. Bored? Angry? Depressed? In love? You guessed it… Write about it. That’s what means something.

Call me KC. Of course, that’s a nomme de plume and you’ll learn waaaaaay more about me than my name as we go, but for now, KC will have to do. There are a few guidelines for reading what is published on this blog. It’s probably best that we have an understanding from the get go, so here goes:

  1.  All life falls within the artist’s scope. Having said that, I’m not going to embarrass anyone or use this as a vent. This is not a place for hurling insults in any direction. Conversation is good. Picking fights is bad. Play nice in the sandbox.
  2. Many of the topics here will envoke powerful emotions. Remember that the past is the past. If I made a decision that you would have made differently and you choose to take it as a personal affront, all I can say is: don’t. If this is not clear, see item 1.
  3. I will warn you if a post contains graphic content. Some of them will. I’ve lived through some pretty crazy stuff, but like I said, truth is what means something. I won’t lie to you. Just understand now that my life (and everyone else’s that I’ve ever encountered) is filled with such a wondrous variety of humor and tears; chaos and peace; light and darkness. We’re human. It comes with the territory.

I have so much to tell you, and there are so many more interesting places to start than from the beginning…


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