Trolls and Spammers and Robots, Oh My!

Oh my, indeed. And here I thought the worst I would have to deal with would be harsh critics. Silly me. A Second Soul has been up and running for less than two days and already I’ve been inundated with all sorts of emails and phone calls and texts. I was totally unprepared for the deluge of electronic diarrhea that I’ve received today. “Getting my feet wet” was not supposed to mean standing in a great murky swamp of poo.

I will be the first to admit that this plan was not thought through all the way. I had absolutely no idea what went into creating a blog other than writing the posts. No problem, I thought. Yeah… Right. I’m a seasoned writer but a total newbie at blogging. I wanted to do this myself because I wanted to learn something new. My mentor from years ago was fond of saying “experience in not the best teacher; it’s the only teacher.” Making mistakes is inevitable. Such is life. Focusing on that piece and obsessing on “I should have done this” or “I should have done that” is what one of my favorite psych professors used to call “shoulding yourself to death.” Say it quickly out loud and you’ll get the drift (just not around little kids because they will totally repeat what they think you just said).

This probably would have been easier if I had enlisted help. More than likely, I wouldn’t have just accidentally opened my contact information to the entire universe. Solicitors would not have spent the day calling me while I was at work to sell me their services. I ended up muting my phone. What can I say? I’ve never done this before. Oops. Next time I’ll know. For now, I have a few things to say to a few folks.

To the solicitors: Thanks but no thanks. I really don’t want your help. I will learn by my own mistakes and have fun with this. If you do it, that will defeat the purpose and I would have to pay you. Not gonna happen.

To the spammers: Go away, gO away, go Away, go aWay, go awAy, go awaY, go_away, goaway, go.away, etc. You get the picture.

To the robots: Beep beep boop beep bip bip boop beep beep. Translation: see the message to the spammers.

To the trolls: *grunt*

There. That should do it. To everyone else who really is just here to read the blog, enjoy!

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